I concur with BryanGriffith's observations – actually, it is worse than he states here, as I’ve observed in my case where I own four DCS920 cameras all purchased at different times spread over 12 months, and the ALL have the same DeviceSerialNo.
So, if you have more than one camera, and say for example you want to share one of them publically (e.g. out-door facing weathercam), and keep the others private (e.g. indoor baby-cam), with this bug, all of them could become find-able by someone with this knowledge (or presumably just the knowledge that it’s a DCS920). In my case they could just try all my other ports on my home IP and it wouldn’t take long to find the other cameras.
I find the bug unacceptable on several levels – (1) all files should be user-access protected as BryanGriffith mentions; but also (2) the DeviceSerialNumber should at least be hashed from the actual serial device (not jus hard-coded in firmware), or even better (3) hashed from a user-defined security string, so security can be enhanced by changing it periodically or as required (e.g. security breach)
My installation is a home cable modem, and wireless router. I want to write my own web code software to share cameras publically but without creating (and running, all the time) an intermediate server to decouple the camera’s video from the stream available publically, I can’t see a way of doing it securely while the current fault exists.