Managed to get this working after struggling with it initially (i.e. connection refused etc). Here's my environment:
1) ESXi 4.0.0 Environment #1 - Build 244038 (patched using vSphere Host Update Utility)
a. IP Address:
b. HDD (Datastore): 320Gb x 1 (vmfs3)
2) ESXi 4.0.0 Environment #2 - Build 171294 (no patch applied)
a. IP Address:
b. HDD (Datastore 1 & 2): 160Gb x 2 Disks (vmfs3)
3) DNS-323 with FW 1.08, D-Link NFS add-on v1.0 & Fonz Fun_Plug (not sure which version)
a. IP Address:
b. HDD Configuration:
i. 1 x 750Gb WDC, Raid-1, Volume_1
ii. 1 x 500Gb Samsung, JBOD, Volume_2
4) Using Telnet (from the fun_plug), I had pre-created a directory on my DNS-323 as such:
/ # cd /mnt/HD_a2
/mnt/HD_a2 # mkdir datastore93 ==> to be mounted on ESXi environment #1
5) On the DNS-323, I did the following:
a. Download the D-Link NFS add-on (v1.0),
b. Install the add-on and start it up
c. Navigate to NETWORK ACCESS option and choose NFS option
d. Host ==> (my own test configuration)
e. Folder ==> /Volume_1/datastore93 (my own test configuration)
f. Permission ==> Read/Write
g. Root Squash ==> NO
6) From ESXi (I'm using vSphere Client), CONFIGURATION tab, STORAGE option, ADD STORAGE option:
b. Server ==> (IP address for my DNS-323)
c. Folder ==> /mnt/HD_a2/datastore93
d. Datastore Name ==> datastore93 (can be any name you choose i.e. nfs1, etc)
7) The NFS mount point should be mounted and visible under the list of datastores.
As mentioned, I initially had lots of trouble setting this up but here's what I've discovered:
a) ESXi version Build does not matter. In my case, I have builds 244038 & 171294 and both worked.
b) Having the Fonz Fun_Plug (FFP) installed was not a factor either. What I did was, make sure that I did not already have the Fun_Plug version of UNFSD running. I did the following steps (assuming that the D-Link NFS add-on has already been installed):
i. Stop the NFS add-on process via the DNS-323 Admin console.
ii. Remove the ffp directory & fun_plug executable (located on /mnt/HD_a2 or \\dns-323\Volume_1\)
iii. Restart DNS-323 & copy the FFP back to the \\dns-323\Volume_1.
iv. Reboot the DNS box.
v. Telnet to the DNS box and do a ps -f | more
vi. Ensure that there's no [nfsd] or [unfsd] process running.
vii. Restart the NFS add-on process via the DNS-323 Admin console (and setup as describe earlier i.e. steps 5 & 6 above).
c) After all the above has been done, I had intermittent issues (i.e. connection refused) but after rebooting the DNS and ESXi boxes and retrying, I was able to do an NFS mount.
Hopefully this helps.