I found that http supports Bonjour, but https does not.
simply I changed /mnt/HD_a2/Nas_Prog/Bonjour/sbin/bonjournamescript file like this:
kill -9 `pidof mDNSResponder`
#re-write config file
echo "$host" _http._tcp local. 80 >/etc/howl/mDNSResponder.conf
echo "$host" _https._tcp local. 443 >>/etc/howl/mDNSResponder.conf
echo -n "$host" _smb._tcp local. 445 >>/etc/howl/mDNSResponder.conf
mDNSResponder &
then re-run the Bonjour, then https works with https://nasname.local
this fix is so simple that I hope this will be the default when you release the next version of bonjour addon.