I was just on the phone with D-Link's tech support and was told it would not work with SP3, it had to be SP2.
I can see the cameras fine on the local network, (cabin in the mountains), but now I am at home trying to install the D-ViewCam software on my home machines.
When trying to do the software install, I get a .NET Framework 2.0 error that states "low memory, low disk space or corrupted cabinet file", then the installation aborts. I've tried this on two XP machines with the same result.
The install disks that came with my cameras say they are v1.2, is there a newer one to download? I searched around the D-link site and couldn't find a download for D-Viewcam anyplace.
Edit to add: OK! I found the latest version of D-Viewcam v2.03. I am downloading it now to my XP machine. I'll be back to let you know if it installed OK!
Thanks for your help!