I ran a few tests on my NAS and computer and my Write is ~18MB/sec, Read is ~13MB/sec with 4K Jumbo set on both my NAS and my computers network adapter. At 9K the write stayed the same but the read dropped slightly. I won't speculate to the cause as I'm not a network guru and don't know much about packet collisions, etc... My network adapter only supports 1.5K, 4K, and 9K. But I tried setting the NAS to 5K, Network adapter at 4K and guess what, my read speed jumped up to 14MB/sec (some peeks at 16MB/sec) while write dropped down to ~17MB/sec. Odd for sure since I didn't expect a speed up on the read but the write did take a slight performance hit. I was transferring 1GB VOB files and the speed was the one Windoze 7 reports during the file transfer.
One thing I did note, when there was file fragmentation (the hard drive was moving the heads around allot), the read speed dropped. I'm running a RAID1 setup, EXT2 formatted drives.
Why don't you make the changes I suggest which are, MTU on NAS 5K, MTU on your network cards 4K, try transferring a 1GB file and see what your speeds are. I will leave mine like this for a while and test it again later to see if the speed holds and then switch back to 4K on the NAS.
One thing I don't know is that the NAS displays 4000 and 5000, it all ends with an even thousand number. I'm curious if they are the actual numbers the MTU is using or just represent 4096 and 5120. I would like to see those values changed to the standard used.