I have had my unit over 1 year and I havent seen any significant firmware upgrade since 1.06
When will we see an update that is official?
Clearly this product is not supported well post sale!
Out of curiosity - why do you equate the lack of "significant firmware upgrade(s)" with "post sale support".
For the sake of discussion - let's say a firm were to introduce a NAS, with a well developed stable, bugfree operating system (assuming such a thing were possible), why should they offer any "upgrade" whatsoever?
For the sake of discussion - let's say a firm were to introduce a NAS, with a well developed stable, reasonably bugfree operating system (assuming such a thing were possible), they might offer firmware
updates to correct any bugs that were discovered, but why should they offer any firmware "upgrade" whatsoever?
When you bought the DNS-323, you knew what features D-Link advertised it as having, what makes you think you are entitled to more?
Now - to discuss post sale support - for the most part I've had very few reasons to contact D-Link's tech support team, and on those few occasions it has been done by email, and I find them courteous and responsive and if I might say so, a lot more prompt than those of their competitors whom I have had the need to contact. In fact, the only network equipment manufacturer who has been more prompt & helpful than D-Link has been Cisco (and I don't mean Linksys by Cisco).
Mind you - I'm not giving D-Link a clear pass here - this thing still has bugs that I think should have been fixed years ago - but - my point is, you're not entitled to upgrades, and post sale support is in no way linked to said upgrades.