Ok, so I tried everything, twice, and then I finally got them to connect (though still only at 140 Mbps) - I had loaded factory defaults on both, configured the router with the CD (since they insist that will solve all my speed issues, yet it doesn't), disabled security on both ends ... they of course connected on 2.4 since the default settings match ... I tried to force the 1522 to use the 5GHz SSID and then it wouldn't connect at all. I played around, tried disabling 2.4GHz on the 825 and then using the auto-config button on the side, no help ... then I *enabled* encryption on both ends, WPA2-PSK, AES on the 1522 end, WPA1/2-PSK AES on the 825 end, and magically, they connected ... they're still at 140 Mbps though, despite all my settings matching what it says in the "300Mbps connection requirements" sticky, so I give up ... they are both going back to the store tomorrow. Good luck to the rest of you with all your problems.