<OK, Gurus, I have another problem.
I just got an LG E2360 23" LED monitor.
I can't get the resolution right on it. If I run it at 1776x1000 the text is sharper and clearer but the image has a 1/2 inch to 1 inch border around it.....it's not maximizing the screen size!
If I lower the resolution it maximizes the screen size but looks awful because it's not in correct ratio and text is more blurred.
I've updated my graphics card driver but that didn't seem to help.
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, my graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD 5770.>
First set your resolution to the native 1920 x 1080. Next, a tip taken from page 9 of the manual
‘AUTO’ Function? When you encounter problems such as a blurry screen, blurred letters,
screen flicker or tilted screen while using the device the monitor or after changing screen
resolution, press the AUTO function button to improve resolution.
Also, how are you connecting to the monitor? According to page 10, HDMI is configured best for AV equipment, otherwise they suggest DVI-D, so use that if you have it. Page 19 set Orginal Mode to Wide, and try with Overscan off (if still using HDMI). Last, make sure you refreash is set to 60hz, though it should lock it in at that. If that doesn't work, do you have the full Catalyst Suite? I also have two 5770's and I remeber some settings in there where you could override output settings. But I have display driver only now (too many conflicts with the Catalyst Suite and SC2 beta).