Mighty? Not so much. I cant compete with the newest generation of players and their twitch reflexes. Give me a hour or two on a level though and I have excellent spatial awareness which makes me pretty deadly with a plasma grenade. Also, I could hold my own at the sniper spot on River in GOW2.
Anyway, I am more concerned about hardware. I am going to be running my PS3, 360, and TV of a 4 port switch connected by about a 7-10foot CAT6 to my 4500. And even if I needed wireless, I could just get a ethernet wireless adapter. The Trendnet one I got for my friend is working great. Here are my questions:
1. Besides the hard drive, and the differnent casing, are there any differences between Xbox 360 Slim 4GB and the Xbox 360 Slim 250GB?
2. Can I buy and upgrade the HD on the Xbox 360 Slim 4GB? Where is a 4GB kept? ::edit:: Looks like not easily. Risk of ban and 3rd party doesn't work with all games? 130$ for a 250GB drive when I can get 500GB wd5000bpkt for 70$ on newegg? What a rip off.
3. Is there any models on the horizon which may be better hardware wise? Like a Xbox 360 Slim Elite?
4. Are there different hardware versions based on manufacture date of the 360 Slims? Or are they all still the same at this point?
Yea, Harry!!! Do it!
Furry is right on with his older XBOX assessment. I had a 2008 model XBOX which was the Arcade version....no HDD, that my wife got for me for XMAS. I added the 120GB HDD and this.... http://www.google.com/products/catalog?ds=pr&pq=intercooler+ts&hl=en&sugexp=gsis,i18n%3Dtrue&cp=20&gs_id=y&xhr=t&q=nyko+intercooler+ts+xbox+360&qe=aW50ZXJjb29sZXIgdHMgeGJveCA&qesig=cTe8kgRQL1fnERyr6Ej17A&pkc=AFgZ2tm3CFH9ek7cZq_8Ut-Wouyxdbj6eKebsMnfGU2vc3CVjv8lTmLjLieZpTFHXTRvZanD4FKL4twsJAWFarRBtACdORJX3A&nord=1&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&biw=1366&bih=653&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4051614441185416797&sa=X&ei=rFBvTvDJBKaFsgLmt6C5CQ&sqi=2&ved=0CFkQ8wIwAA
I played hundreds of hours on it and never RROD it. It was noisy with the fans running. Then, when the Slim came out last summer, Gamestop had an awesome trade in deal going so I traded it in on the Slim with the 250GB HDD.
I recently got my son the refurbished 4GB Slim but got the 250GB HDD from here...... http://www.amazon.com/250G-Hard-Disk-Drive-Microsoft/dp/B004GX4864/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1315918192&sr=8-1
They say you can't play original XBOX games and save them on it, but we don't own any original ones.
So, I basically got a 250GB slim for the price of a new basic version. His plays the same as mine, there's no difference. Plus, I got the full factory warranty from MicroSoft on it. If buying a refurb, check the fine print for warranty info. His refurb was $150 shipped, IIRC.
On top of that here's an incredible bundle on XBOX LIVE subscription, keypad and headset..... ah damn......sold out....... http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16874103230
I'm still nervous about the overheating issue even though they've revamped the Slim. So I got us a couple of these intercoolers...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKzq4sZRtlc