See my post about 9 messages down:
In short -- This is 100% a Sony issue.
What Sony did was to tell its device to wake up when it hears an ARP broadcast from the MAC address associated with the default gateway. That's [exploitive deleted]. Even if D-Link did stop broadcasting every 60 seconds, it would still have to broadcast any time any port scanner ran across the PS3's open WAN port(s) and the PS3 would activate. That is, to put it nicely, not very elegant programming.
Yes, D-Link has done something non-standard with ARP broadcasts (perhaps buggy, I'm not willing to go that far without hearing their justification), and yes, D-Link ought to make a change here if it can.
But Sony needs to fix the problem with the PS3. I'm not sure from which part of the codebase this code comes, Sony can be assured that D-Link isn't the only company using it --- now or in the future.
PS: In case anyone thinks I cursed here on the forums, I did not. The forum software thinks that the four-letter word beginning with D and ending with B and means "not smart" is an expletive (not exploitive). Wow!