I'm currently on contract with Timewarner for 10down/.5-1up for 39.99. However using speedtest.net I'm only getting 3..68down/1up.
Some tips that I use:
What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL?
What ISP Modem do you have? Stand Alone or built in router?
What ISP Modem make and model do you have?
If this modem has a built in router, it's best to bridge the modem. Having 2 routers on the same line can cause connection problems.
I have Timewarner Cable.
It's a stand-alone, make is Cisco, model is '2100 Cable Modem'
What wireless modes are you using?
Try single mode G on 2.4Ghz for your devices that don't support N or 5Ghz. Try single mode G at 5Ghz for those devices that do support N and 5Ghz.
What security mode are you using? WEP, WPA or WPA2? Preferred is WPA-Personal. WPA2/Auto TPIK and AES.
What wireless devices do you have connected?
Any cordless house phones?
Any other WiFi routers in the area?
Turn off all anti virus and firewall programs on PC while testing.
Turn off all devices accept for one wired PC while testing.
I did a few tests with 2.4 and 5, and I found that 2.4 seems to provide better wireless for my 2011MBP.
I'm on WPA-Personal at the moment.
I only have my laptop, and my phone connected to it currently.
No cordless phones.
I live in an apartment structure, so theres a good 10+ routers in my area.
I'm not too fond with router configurations, so it's hard for me to gauge everything you said about '
Ensure DNS IP addresses are being filled in under Setup/Internet/Manual?' all the way to '
Set Firewall settings to Endpoint Independent for TCP and UDP.' I understand I probably won't get the 10 I pay for via wireless, but I was hoping id get closer to 6-8 with how much I pay.
I've read forums and forums about different firmware providing better/worse wireless, and I don't know what to believe now. I'd like to be able to test 2.06 to see if my router runs on it better, cause 3mb is just way too little for 40$ a month.