Well.. Funplug isn't really a hack at all, simply an extension of the OS and it doesn't even hack that.. If I was modifying it at a hardware level, flashing my own bios I"d see there point.. but the funplug and twonky reside on the HD.. it doesn't hack the system and easily removed by simply reformatting the drives.. it in no way invades the dlink system or bios nor does it flash anything... so I'd fail to see how that would stand up in court. besides
If this NAS fails due to hardware failure and not software/os related failures and Dlink chooses to not honor a warranty on it, then its cheap enough to for me to change my loyalties to another OEM who supplies the twonky and/or a working media server application...
and if dlink actually prioritized resolving the issues that customers have with their products, especially when 3rd party providers have already solved the issue.. then all of this would be pointless and we'd be happily content with DLinks media server...
Its now March, version 1.06 has been out since late last year and folks are screaming for solutions to simple things... 3 or 4 months is enough time for such a simple device..
Open source the firmware and I'll bet the community has the problems and feature requests resolved in a month!!!!
The cost of warranty support is not just limited to replacing failed (or bricked) hardware - there is a significant cost for the time spent determining that a hardware replacement is required, and this is where third party firmware and software add-ins like fun_plug have their greatest impact ...
Is that glitch that Tom, **** & Harry are screaming about, that you cannot duplicate in your lab, caused by non-DLink-hardware (that Hitachi disk that is the subject of a sticky above), OS related (there are numerous complaints about folks having problems with Vista & Mac OS X), a bug in the firmware (1.02's 2GB limitation), or the DNS-323 hardware itself - and here I have no examples to offer, my A1 rev hardware seems to work just fine.
By the way - the firmware is opensource, the sourcecode is available for download ...