I also suggest the following russian D-Link page (
http://dlink.ua/dns_addons - translation from russian
http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fdlink.ua%2Fdns_addons&sandbox=1 ) that contains all addons for DNS-325, some of them are third-parties addons (so we can use them at our own risks).
I am testing some of them (with firmware 1.04b), such as:
1) telnet. Telnet is useful, but it does not require userid and password, so I consider it a security hole.
2) ssh : such as telnet, but at least it uses the secure ssh protocol, requiring userid and password (password must be created at first login).
3) midnight commander. It should be as old Norton Commander, but I am not able to understand how to use it (should it be used inside web manager or inside telnet/ssh???).
4) transmission : an alternate torrent client, just another world if compared with built-in torrent client.
5) mediatomb : an alternate dlna server, still not complete.
6) twonkymedia server : an alternate dlna server, just another world if compared with built-in dlna server. For me it is a pleasant surprise, I confirm it is wonderful and very useful. It is fully supported by so many TVs (I have Samsung and Panasonic TVs, I have no problem with them).
If you want to test other addons, please let us know your opinions. Thanks.