I got a quick look at the 5500 yesterday, my impression of the router is that some of the features that other DIR and DGL series routers have, may not be seen in this router, as it seems to be set up for ease of use for the home and gamer users, and letting the new SB technology handle things behind the scenes and having less user control over some things and how this router behaves. There maybe something that SB technology is based on and may not allow for some reason or by design the additional user features and controls that most of us are used to. Dynamic DNS isn't a requirement for gaming persae however maybe thats something that may work or be included down the road or again, if SB technology may not be compatible on some level with DDNS.
The router still offers up using Manual DNS IP addresses and would recommend testing out this section and then disabling DNS Relay to see if this has any impact on operation.
Everyone needs to understand that this is a complete new technology for D-Link routers and some of the behaviors and features that we are used to may not be seen in this model router. This is a gaming router and has some new behavior that we are getting to know and figure out. I presume it will take some time to get to know it and see what this router can do for those. I recommend that if there are features that you require or need that this router does not currently have, I recommend that you phone contact D-Link support and ask about this and see if this router model is right for you. Depending on what D-Link has in store for the future for this router, they may or may not decide to include other features that users have experienced with in other model routers.
I'll post a sticky for Bugs and Feature Requests here on the forum and will have D-Link review it and keep an eye on it. Most anything dealing with FW has to be done at the coding level which is beyond any thing here in the forums can do. We can only ask D-Link nicely to review and consider our requests.
Just set up my router and so far I like the idea of the technology. I have it working for my network, but I wish there was more control over the details.
The things that I noticed missing are not having the dynamic DNS feature and network routing. It was handy for my friends who wanted to play MC to just keep remember the name to connect to my MC server. Maybe they will add this feature later? With the routing thing, I am a network admin and I play with Cisco routers on a separate network that I would like to have access to the internet. The 4500 had the ability to point to different networks and 5500 does not now. That is a bummer.