Not sure if this was mentioned before but fix up the FTP Access List
Simple setup: folder B is in Folder A
Under the network access tab, I am able to Give User_A Read/Write access to Folder A and only Read access to folder B.
In the FTP Server tab, I am not able to achieve this. You can only have 1 ftp access list for User_A. the only way to achieve this (the read/write access portion of this) is to have 2 separate user accounts and give both of them the appropriate access for either Folder A or Folder B. Or give User_A Read/Write Access to Folder A and give anonymous access Read Access.
Both of the options don’t cut it. Allow us to create nice and how ever complicated access lists we want. For instance, in my setup, I don’t want to give anonymous access, I only want ftp access via 1 simple login user name and define the appropriate access to each and every folder.
Also, another very useful addition which would compliment this very nicely would be a third option from the 2 (Read and Read/Write access), give a third option for Delete Access.
Just because I give a user read/write access, doesn’t mean I also want them to be able to delete the files/folders.
Essentially, allow complex user access, like you can define in either Windows and/or Linux.