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Author Topic: Is my router dying?  (Read 21579 times)


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Is my router dying?
« on: November 23, 2013, 05:31:33 PM »

Hey guy's just got a brand new PC a couple days ago and have been having internet problems ever since.  Previously I had been using a Windows 7 laptop that was hardwired to the router and had no issues.  The new PC has Windows 8.1 installed and since I plugged it in instead I've been getting constant errors trying to connect to webpages.  I usually use Chrome but have also tried IE but still having the same issues.  It works sometimes, certain pages work in certain browsers, etc.  I know I'm connected because I was actually downloading a game at the sametime I was still getting these errors, and also doing things wirelessly on my cell phone. 

If I take the router outta the loop with the PC hardwired to the router the problems completely go away.  I'd like to know if this looks like a router issue before I go out and spend money for a new one.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 07:35:11 AM »

  • What Hardware version is your router? Look at sticker under router.
  • Link>What Firmware version is currently loaded? Found on the routers web page under status.
  • What region are you located?
  • Are you wired or wireless connected to the router?
  • Has a Factory Reset been performed?
  • Was a Factory Reset performed before and after any firmware updates then set up from scratch?
  • Was the router working before any firmware updates?

Internet Service Provider and Modem Configurations
  • What ISP Service do you have? Cable or DSL?
  • What ISP Modem Mfr. and model # do you have?
  • What ISP Modem service link speeds UP and Down do you have?
  • If this modem has a built in router, it's best to bridge the modem. Having 2 routers on the same line can cause connection problems: Link>Double NAT and How NAT Works. To tell if the modem is bridged or not, look at the routers web page, Status/Device Info/Wan Section, if there is a 192.168.0.# address in the WAN IP address field, then the modem is not bridged. If the modem can't be bridged then see if the modem has a DMZ option and input the IP address the router gets from the modem and put that into the modems DMZ.
    Example of a D-Link router configured for PPPoE with ISP Modem bridged: PPPoE Configuration on Router
  • Check ISP MTU requirements, Cable is usually 1500, DSL is around 1492 down to 1472. Call the ISP and ask. Link>Checking MTU Values
  • For DSL/PPPoE connections on the router, ensure that "Always ON" option is enabled.

Router and Wired Configurations
Some things to try: - Log into the routers web page at Use IE, Opera or FF to manage the router.
  • Turn off ALL QoS or Disable Traffic Shaping (DIR only) GameFuel (DGL only and if ON.) options, Advanced/QoS or Gamefuel.
  • Turn off Advanced DNS Services if you have this option under Setup/Internet/Manual or under Setup/PARENTAL CONTROL/Set to>None: Static IP or Obtain Automatically From ISP.
  • Enable Use Unicasting (compatibility for some ISP DHCP Servers) under Setup/Internet/Manual.
  • Turn on DNS Relay under Setup/Networking. Link>Finding Faster DNS Addresses using Name Bench
  • Setup DHCP reserved IP addresses for all devices ON the router. Setup/Networking. This ensures each devices gets its own IP address when turned on and connected, eliminates IP address conflicts and helps in troubleshooting.
  • Ensure devices are set to auto obtain an IP address.
  • If IPv6 is an option on the router, select Local Connection Only or Disable IPv6 options under Setup/IPv6.
  • Set Firewall settings to Endpoint Independent for TCP and UDP under Advanced/Firewall. Enable or Disable SPI to test.
  • Enable uPnP and Multi-cast Streaming under Advanced/Networking. Disable uPnP for testing Port Forwarding rules. Enable IPv6 Multi-cast Streaming for routers that have a Media Server option. Disable IPv6 Multi-cast Streaming if IPv6 or Media Server is not being used.
  • Turn off WISH, and WPS under Advanced.
  • WAN Port Speed set to Auto or specific speed? Some newer ISP modems support 1000Mb so manually setting to Gb speeds can be supported by the router. Advanced/Advanced Networking/WAN Port Speed
  • Set current Time Zone, Date and Time. Use an NTP Server feature. Tools/Time.
  • Check cable between Modem and Router, swap out to be sure. Link> Cat6 is recommended.

3rd Party Security Software Configurations
  • Turn off all anti virus and firewall programs on PC while testing. 3rd party firewalls are not generally needed when using routers as they are effective on blocking malicious inbound traffic.
  • Turn off all devices accept for one wired LAN PC while testing.
  • Disable any downloading client software managers, i.e. Torrents or similar.

Web Browser Configurations
What browser are you using?
Try Opera or FF? If IE 8, 9, 10 or 11, set compatibility mode and test again.
Disable any security browser Add-ons like No Script and Ad-Block or configure them to allow All Pages when connected to the router.
Clear all browser caches.
Try turning off these features in Chrome:
Top right corner, little bars for options > Settings > Settings (on left) > Show advanced settings.
Uncheck these:
Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors
Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar
Predict network actions to improve page load performance
Enable phishing and malware protection

I would presume that if windows 7 had not issues and not your on windows 8.x, could be something in Windows 8. I recommend contacting MS support and ask them about this. Check some MS or Windows 8 forums for any other information on it's networking configurations.
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 10:58:17 AM »

Hey Furry thanks for the reply...you have actually helped me a couple years ago with the se router.  I was having problems getting an open Nat type on my PS3 which just magically fixed itself.

Sorry I'm not home right now so I can't give you a lot of the info asked, but I can sum up what has happened as best as I can.  At my place I got a 20down/2up cable internet feed that I run from my modem to my 655 router.  I run everything hard wired to my router about the only thing wireless at home is my cell phone.  Previously to me getting my new PC on Wednesday everything had been working fine with my Win7 laptop connected (hardwired).  Since I plug/played my Win8.1 PC I've had constant assorted "Website not found" messages off/on.  Sometimes I could connect, sometimes I can't...some pages would work, some wouldn't.  I usually use Chrome but also tried IE and was still getting the random errors. 

If I run the PC directly to my modem I have no issues what so ever which is leading me to think it's the router failing, or some kinda bugged up setting.  I also did try the laptop wired again and it started getting the errors as well. 
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 11:03:03 AM by nucl3arboNg »


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2013, 11:16:50 AM »

Do you still have your Motorola 5 series modem?

Well if windows 7 had been working and still does, I presume that the problem could be with Windows 8 or the networking with in Windows 8 and not the router.

There any security programs installed on the Windows 8 PC?

Let us know the FW version that's currently loaded on the router. From your history, Looks like v2.00...
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2013, 11:40:37 AM »

- No it is a newer DocSis 3.0 modem I've had since June

- The problem is actually happening with the Win7 laptop now as well. 

- For security I have Avast Free and Spybot installed but also had Avg free running for a bit. 

- I was in my router settings yesterday when I tried reconfiging it and it said my firmware was up to date.  Sorry can't remember the release number. 


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2013, 12:15:34 PM »

Lets us know the model of the newer modem and FW version when you get home.  ;)
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2013, 12:42:17 PM »

I will for sure...

Talked to the head guy at my ISP and explained the situation which he thought was strange.  Suggested I try hardwiring my DNS by manually entering into my router instead of letting it find it on its own.  Seems to think it maybe my DNS settings gone wonky. 


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2013, 01:06:38 PM »

Give this a try:
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2013, 01:41:39 PM »

Oh and sorry just noticed he said "hard code the DNS directly".


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2013, 02:31:54 PM »

Let us know if any of that or what he recommends works. You can disable DNS Relay and input DNS addresses under Setup/Internet/Manual.
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2013, 04:23:27 PM »

Hey Nucl3arboNg, I seem to be having the exact same issue as you for awhile now. I have a wired PC that was on win8, but when I upgraded it to win8.1, my router started acting all funky. Random reboots once about every hour, and like you said, certain pages fail to load on all connected devices. Maybe we can work together and solve it faster.

Can I ask you some questions about your win8 PC settings?

-What type of cable do you have set between your router and PC [I have a Cat5e]

-Do you have a firewall set? If so, from what service(s) [I have a Norton firewall active provided by Comcast.]

-Is your PC part of a Homegroup? [I am]

-Do you have media streaming activated with Windows Media Center (through 'Network and Sharing Center'>'HomeGroup'>'Allow All Devices on this Network Such as TVs and Game Consoles...'=.') [I have this activated with full access to all devices]

-What Network Services do you have active (through 'Network and Sharing Center'> 'Change Adapter Settings'> and then select the adapter you're using and right-click> Properties

-Do you Media Stream to any DLNA devices like a PS3 or Xbox? [I do this]

-Do you manage your router through your Win8 PC? And what browser?

-Do you have your router auto retrieving DNS addresses or did you set your ISP's? ? [I have set as my primary and for secondary, both provided by my ISP.]

-Router firmware? [I'm on 2.11 NA]

-Do you have any Metro Apps on your start screen that auto-retrieve data?

-Is Windows Automatic Update enabled?

Sorry if some of the questions seem really out there, but I've had some pretty weird occurrences in the past with my network and friend's networks. Sometimes, things you wouldn't imagine can be causing a problem.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 04:30:13 PM by kouderd »


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2013, 10:23:45 AM »

Hey guys sorry I haven't been on just been so busy.  Last night I tried setting up the router again and was still having the same problem even after making a few changes...
- unchecked the things Furry pointed out for Chrome
- entered the specific DNS I was given from my ISP
- turned off my virus protection and windows firewall

It's like my signal strength is gone when using the router.  After seeing some webpages not work I jumped onto my Minecraft server only to see my signal strength was gone to poop.  When wired directly to the router I get no lag at all and my connection meter is maxed.  When using the router my strength was very low and could tell when I stood in front of a zombie and couldn't even hit him due to lag.

More and more this is leading me to believe its a router issue so I pulled out my old router only to find of course I don't have the power cord for it, and the 655 one isn't the correct connection.  I'm waiting to see if somebody has one they could lend me to test.  Hopefully that will answer this problem. 

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2013, 10:40:48 AM »

The same thing happen with a different PC as a test?

Hey guys sorry I haven't been on just been so busy.  Last night I tried setting up the router again and was still having the same problem even after making a few changes...
- unchecked the things Furry pointed out for Chrome
- entered the specific DNS I was given from my ISP
- turned off my virus protection and windows firewall

It's like my signal strength is gone when using the router.  After seeing some webpages not work I jumped onto my Minecraft server only to see my signal strength was gone to poop.  When wired directly to the router I get no lag at all and my connection meter is maxed.  When using the router my strength was very low and could tell when I stood in front of a zombie and couldn't even hit him due to lag.

More and more this is leading me to believe its a router issue so I pulled out my old router only to find of course I don't have the power cord for it, and the 655 one isn't the correct connection.  I'm waiting to see if somebody has one they could lend me to test.  Hopefully that will answer this problem. 

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2013, 11:29:04 AM »

Like I had said I tried the laptop a couple days ago and it was as well.  Talked to a tech at a local games shot and he thinks it could be a faulty power supply for the router.  We had a blackout a week ago or so and said that might do it.  He's gonna lend me a power supply for my older router so I can test it. 

If this does turn out to be the router I will be looking for a new one.  Seeing as how wireless ability isn't as important to me as LAN ports.  How important is the quality of it?  Would I be wasting my money buying an AC, or would a higher end model have better stability for LAN as well?


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Re: Is my router dying?
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2013, 11:49:46 AM »

Very possible. Hope a new 12v 2A will help fix this.

Also you might try a different power wall outlet as well...

The 655 has great stability in LAN ports and WiFi as do other newer model routers. You can future proof by getting into an AC router if you want too. Depends on what your needs are now. I've been enjoying the DIR-868L and 865L routers for sure. Very stable.

Keep us posted...
Cable: 1Gb/50Mb>NetGear CM1200>DIR-882>HP 24pt Gb Switch. COVR-1202/2202/3902,DIR-2660/80,3xDGL-4500s,DIR-LX1870,857,835,827,815,890L,880L,868L,836L,810L,685,657,3x655s,645,628,601,DNR-202L,DNS-345,DCS-933L,936L,960L and 8000LH.
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