I've said this once on this forum and I'll say it again, its really sad this modem does not have this feature yet. Allmost all broadband companies have bandwidth restictions now. Aircards, DSL, cable, you name it. Even if you don't think your current ISP has one, check again, they probably do. Banwidth is a almost impossible thing to montior properly on a multi PC network. Theres software you can install, but it would have to go on every computer. On top of that, all the software I have seen counts LAN traffic also with its numbers, so if you transfer 20 gigs between PC's, well, there goes your total, and on top of THAT, if your streaming netflics or running anything else to a device that doesnt have windows or osx or whatever on it, like a 360, your cant even install the software. Having this feature on the router is the best way to watch your banwidth. I still can't get over its not on the router with the 200 dollar price tag. I am still waiting for it to be added. I have a network with 4 PC's, one laptop, 360, wii, ps3 and misc other wireless devices (like at DS/PSP) and have people come over on a weekly basis for lans. I tear thru banwidth like wet toliet paper. This NEEDS to get added.