I presently use the Incremental Backup instead of the RAID, for the same reason describe by "jgj10".
My old nas (i sold it) having a "real" incremental Backup, that copy file from Drive1 to Drive2, but also create a folder named "backup_xxxxxx" (xxx = the day of the backup). On this folder, only the changed files.
So on the backup destination, i see one folder (full backup) and multiple folder (incremental backup).
Also, reside a TXT file named the same way as the folder, and included all file copied, with result (success / failure). That can help confirm that the Scheduler works !
With the DLINK, i'm unable to confirm that The incremental backup realy works because :
- unable to have a TXT file result.
- unable to confirm if the DLINK copy everything, and not only the changed file (the led are blinking for 1 hours, and only 10-20 file are modify each day).
- unable to know at what % of the task the copy are (full or incremental, the % status on the scheduler show nothing, but if i check the property of both drive, i notice size increase).
having something that "at least" confirm me that the copy works ok will be very usefull. And it's not something tuff to implement... the TXT file is probably the easier way ... by simply add the name of each file after each copy (include origin and destination + status Success of error), timestamp. This TXT file can confirm you that the Scheduler works, and also help the user if he have connexion error to a FTP site, or other.
Hope this will be fixed in 1.04 .... or 1.05.
It's not a funny requested from a used, it's a logical request that was logical to see with a scheduler. Like the opensource software "Cobian", pay version "SecondCopy" of some other US NAS product that already support these function.
I did'nt find anything that can confirm me that the copy as been done successful, and which file as been copied. Having a list are a good feature. Actually, i only see the "?" icon on the Scheduler status tab.
Q? : actually, i map 4 drive to the NAS. I MAP directly to some folder (U for User, M for my document,... and T for Temporary). After, i create fiew schedule to copy all folder i want, except the Temporary (in the ROOT of the Drive, i see 5 Folder). Did i done something wrong ? The copy seem to have working (the file size of the Folder from source and destination are the same), but i have no writen status that told me which file as been copy.