I'm now getting AVIs recorded to SD and snapshots sent to email.
I did the following:
- hard reset of camera by depressing button on back of camera with paperclip.
- reran setup from disk (twice; for some reason it would not see my wireless network the first time)
- turned off microphone and speaker (I got strange results the first time I install and could not get even get good snapshots so I set it off again)
- reformatted SD card (again) using the SD maintenance option.
- set up video and confirmed that was working
- set up snapshot for email and confirmed both email and video worked.
The only other change is I left PIR unchecked.
I had updated the firmware earlier and it did not prompt for another update after the hard reset. Since it is working, I'm not even checking for firmware upgrades.
My guess is the hard reset fixed the problem but there are other slight changes (like not setting PIR).
This worked for me. Hope it helps others that struggle with it.