Let's be honest with ourselves.
How long do we expect dlink to actually support this router? It's been over a year and we have yet to see a functional firmware for the device. It's a bust.
My fw has been up and running for weeks now now problems! Beta 1.12
I'm not giving up hope sure it's been a year and things are not perfect but writing code isn't easy.
Plus qc has code and there working with ms on Xbox one stuff.
I imagine that there overwhelmed a bit by all the stuff people want.
Even though b05 is broken I saw the work that had been done to make it better.
It's good to know when buying an new product with new tech that there could and probably will be issues!
I came in knowing this and sure it's a bit irritating but with time I see this router being the best option for gamers.
So don't give up hope yet if code was easy to write everyone would do it!