No worries man.
Understand the frustration. I saw that when you first posted. LOL. Can be frustrating with this kinds of problems. Some reproduce easily, some don't. I thought I had done the same thing when I first started testing as well. I know one time I didn't factory reset after applying v1.12 on top of v1.10 which still IMO has a possibility in my opinion that if v1.10 works and if a user applies v1.12 on top of v1.10, with out doing a reset and setup from scratch. The problem should not appear, which it did. Doing a reset, full reload, reset and setup doesn't seem to reproduce not. I used IE11 in Windows 7x64 to load FW on my 878. Possible different browser could be a factor as well. I NEVER use Chrome.
I may try to reproduce once more. Downgrade FW to v1.10. Test NAT, then just apply v1.12 with out doing a reset and see what happens.